Baptisms at Saint Bonaventure Parish
“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved…” Mark 16:16
The Sacraments are spiritual gifts from Jesus, vehicles of Divine Grace which strengthens our faith and guides us on our path of discipleship. Baptism is one of the Seven Sacraments of the Church.
The Saint Bonaventure Parish welcomes all who have not been baptized to come and receive the life-giving waters and to begin the journey of faith. Baptisms usually take place during the Sunday mass allowing for the parish to bless with their support this momentous occasion. All are baptized with the traditional Trinitarian formula, “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” and with flowing water. If you have been baptized as an infant, child or adult in a recognized church, using the Trinitarian formula, there is no need to be baptized again. We are happy to witness the reaffirmation of your baptismal vows during any baptismal mass or the Easter Season.
We do not baptize during the Seasons of Advent or Lent except in the case of emergency.
Other appropriate Holy or Feast Days for Baptisms:
• Feast of the Epiphany (Around January 6th)
• Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (Second Sunday of January)
• The Vigil of Easter
• Any Sunday of the Easter Season
Please inquire about Baptism Preparation Classes for Adult and Infant candidates. For adults, the class is geared towards learning about and growing your faith in Christ and will cover the Life of Christ, Salvation, and the Church. For infants, the family is the first school of faith and as such both parents are required to attend the class. The class will cover a historical and theological review of the Sacrament of Baptism as well as a time for parents to reassess their own faith and spiritual responsibilities for their own child. (Godparents can attend as well.)
Infant Baptisms
Infant baptism is considered from birth up to age 7 as the responsibility of the parents. Children over the age of 7 will need to receive instruction in the faith. You do not need to be parishioners of Saint Bonaventure, and there is no cost to have your child baptized at one of our masses.
• Attend and complete the Baptismal Preparation Class
• A copy of your child’s state-registered birth-certificate
• Attend at least one Sunday mass at Saint Bonaventure Parish
• Completion of the Baptism Request form
Who Can be Godparents
There is always a need for a sponsor or Godparent for a child or adult being baptized. The Godparent (sponsor) is not a ceremonial role but one of life-long spiritual support for the one being baptized. An adult candidate must have at least one sponsor while it is the custom for an infant or child to have at least two.
Therefore at least one of the Godparents must:
• Be Catholic
• Have been baptized and preferably confirmed and received communion
• Be 16 or older (exceptions may be made at the discretion of the bishop.)
• Must be living a life consistent with their own baptismal covenant
• Be willing to support the parents in their duties to bring the child or adult into our Christian faith
The Baptism of an adult or child is a time of great joy and celebration and therefore is not a private act. It is a public, official liturgy of the Church and welcomes someone into the one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Thus, the Church has the duty and obligation to require reasonable criteria for being baptized, as well as to request that the Baptism takes place within the Mass setting.
Please contact us for information regarding Baptismal Prep Classes and dates for up-coming baptisms.